Support Us

We’re a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

A Cappella Texas is the Austin, Texas chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society. We enrich lives of all ages through fellowship, performance & singing! We welcome monetary gifts to support our business operations, choral director placements, youth singing and experience programs, adult continuing education programs, “gifts of song to the community” events, and more. Your special gifts help us enrich the lives of those whose hearts we touch and those we support in our efforts to spread the gift of music.

To support us via credit card or PayPal, click the “Donate Now” button below.

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Donation Total: $20.00 One Time

To support us via check or money order, please make the check out to A Cappella Texas and submit to:

A Cappella Texas
P.O. Box 181075
Austin, Texas USA 78718-1075

A Cappella Texas is a dba of the ‘Austin Chapter of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America’.

Your donation will help enrich the lives of people and the community through:

  • Fellowship and singing via close harmony in a variety of music styles, including the Barbershop style
  • Providing and enabling vocal and performance education to Austin and Central Texas area youth and adults through chorus-sponsored music and performance events including chorus and sectional rehearsals, and chorus and quartet performances
  • Providing scholarships to Austin and Central Texas area youth for attendance in vocal and performance development programs, instructional sessions, training camps and workshops
  • Providing scholarships to college students who are from the Austin and Central Texas area and who pursue a degree in the musical or performing arts

If you cannot support us monetarily, you can support us by volunteering to assist our patrons by serving as ushers, box office attendants, hospitality suite coordinators, guest night coordinators, and more. Your assistance helps make special moments and memorable experiences for all involved.

You can find us on the Internet at:

For more information, you may contact us via the following methods:

Thanks so much for your support!