A Cappella Texas SpringSing Festival


1:00 pm - 5:00 pm


St Paul Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall
3407 Red River St., Austin, Texas, 78705


A Cappella Texas (ATX) is the Austin chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society and has been part of the music scene in Austin since 1962. ATX welcomes all singers and our vision with this community-wide festival is to support and promote music groups and non-profit organizations in the Austin area. Our goal is to create a space and opportunities to build community, collaboration, and camaraderie. This will result in future partnerships between our organizations, such as attending each other’s rehearsals, and cross-promotions of events resulting in reaching new audiences and potentially attracting more local participation in each of our organizations.


We are inviting all styles of choruses, quartets, and other small ensembles from our community, schools, and religious groups. The event runs from 1PM to 5 PM and each group is invited to perform a  15-minute set with groups scheduled each half hour. There are time slots available throughout the day. Choral risers, a sound system, and sound engineer will be provided for the basic needs of your group and their performance.


In addition to performances, groups are invited to bring in their own marketing and advertising materials to set up in the gymnasium adjacent to the performance space.  There is no charge to performers either for entering the event or for setting up a table, however, this is a volunteer event and performers will not be paid. We hope this provides you and your organization an opportunity to not only perform but promote all that you do and share it with the community.


This is a free event. There will be no tickets sold, but the public is welcome to attend for a suggested freewill donation to offset the event’s costs. We have invited the Health Alliance of Austin Musicians to attend so that we may promote their honorable mission of providing local musicians with access to affordable health insurance.


The event will take place in the Fellowship Hall associated with St. Paul Lutheran Church at 3407 Red River St, Austin, TX 78705.

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